Category Archives: pineapple

Nectar of the Forgotten Gods

Do you ever have foods that you forget how good they taste until you have them again? I do.


The other night I made strawberry Jello (sugar free, of course) with pineapple (ditto) in it. I hadn’t made that in a while and had forgotten how good it is. In fact, it was so good that I had it for breakfast. Strawberry Jello with pineapple and a side of cottage cheese. The breakfast of the gods -Yum!

In any case, it brought to mind several thoughts:

  • Do you have foods that tickle your taste buds but that you forget/fail to make for long periods?
  • Do you eat foods at non-traditional meal times (like Jello for breakfast)?
  • Do you find yourself falling into food ruts (like an apple and a piece of cheese for breakfast everyday)?

Inquiring minds want to know.