Category Archives: party

The Weekend

This weekend was interesting.  (Pay attention since there are questions to be answered!) The weekend started early when L came in Thursday evening while I was still at the county fair manning the EMS authority information booth.

To be truthful, I should have said I was helping pick up what was left of the EMS booth. After a day with temperatures in the 100+ range, the evening storms really built up and about 6:30 it started to rain. We weren’t worried. But then the wind started to whip and we were struggling like mad to keep our tent on the ground. Stakes and counter-weights didn’t seem to do much good in the face of the severe wind. The Army tent/booth next to us was utterly destroyed in no time. So were all the others we could spot through the sheets of water and the wind.  We managed to keep our tent on the ground, but the chairs and literature and even tables took to the air, some never to be found. About the time steel picnic tables started flying past us in mid-air, we called it a day. We cut the canvas anchor ropes so the frame wouldn’t fly off and bean someone, and then sprinted to shelter under the grandstand. We found out later that the wind was measured at 80-85 mph. The sheriff and his crew was busy evacuating the people in the grandstand seats for the rodeo, moving them to the shelter under the grandstand. It was the first time in anyone’s memory that the grandstand had to be evacuated (the grandstand holds ~15,000 people when full). An hour later it all was clear, but the carnival rides and the outdoor booths were down for the count until they could be checked and re-erected. Needless to say, we packed up what we could gather and called it a day at the booth. The wind and rain had built up coming down from Denver and then got really feisty when they heat fueled out here on the plains. A lot of tree limbs and trees were down along with numerous power line breaks throughout town. That coupled with flooding made for an interesting evening for the emergency crews. But it did drop the temperature into the 60s. A lot of hard work by everyone and the fair continued on and most of the trees are cleaned up. Just another blowy day on the plains.

Friday when I was at the grocery store, I ran into the brother of a high school classmate. He said his brother was coming down for the western show Saturday and he was having a “small” party for a hundred people before the concert. His brother is a high school classmate of both L and I that we hadn’t seen in a few years, so we said we’d drop by. When I told L of the party and where it was at, she made the remark that this was the only place she knew of where people built garages specifically with holding parties in mind. I disagreed. Understand that these are not run of the mill garages. They typically have running water and tiled floors and big screen tvs and … They might work on a car or truck in them, but they are more used to hold parties (and they are not small – 4-7 car size). So my questions to you are: 1) Have you ever attended a party held in a garage? and if so 2) Was it a fancy garage of a plain old shop type garage?

Saturday morning we did yard work to clean up and I got to mow the lawn. L and her mother headed off to watch the fair parade while I battled a broken cable on the lawn mower. They then went out to the fair and got a hamburger (why do hamburgers grilled in the open at the fair taste so good?). We spent the afternoon doing miscellaneous tasks, napping, and then getting ready for the party.

We had a good time and some excellent margaritas Saturday evening at the party along with good conversations. The classmate who was down from Boulder and I go back to grade school. We were the iron horse champions of 4th and 5th grade and were on the same wrestling team in high school. I can remember writing his book reports in grade school in return for being invited over to his house to watch the original campy Batman series on their {*gasp*} color tv (one of the few I knew of at that time). He hit a bad patch after high school and ended up serving a few years in prison. He was one of those people where prison was the wake up call they needed and it really turned him around. He’s been a real straight arrow for the last 30 years since then. It was good to talk to him again.

When the revelers left for the concert on the tour bus (the classmate runs a tour bus on the side to take people to tailgate at the Broncos games and to squire around celebrities – it is all fitted out with leather couches and signed autograph galleries of all the country western stars he has transported) so that there were no drunk driving issues, we took our leave and headed to mom’s house. We had been invited to come rejoin the party after the concert, but demurred – we’re getting too old for that 4am partying! Spent a bit of time visiting with mom and then headed back home.

Today L had to head back early to the mountains since she had a social function to attend. She was going to pick the Son up from a concert he had bicycled to and then proceed to the function. The party featured a local singer/guitarist (as both performer and honoree) that they both wanted to hear, so I suspect they were happy. Molly moped and I watched a bit of the inagural pre-season football game to pass the evening. Yea Football!!!!!

So what did you do for the weekend? And don’t forget to answer the garage questions!

Super Bowl Sunday

L and I spent the afternoon/evening at a Super Bowl party. It was a classic Super Bowl party – food, food, and more food. And of course beer and liquor and pop and coffee. The party started two hours before kick-off with tables of food including everything from cocktail weenies in BBQ sauce to hot wings to cold cuts to cheese platters to chips and dips and cookies and … Basically enough food to feed four times as many people as were at the party.

Then at halftime, the hostess rolled out the tenderloin of beef and pulled pork and baked beans and salads and … But even all that didn’t supply the bite that broke the proverbial camel’s back and led to that absolutely stuffed feeling. For that purpose, there was a chocolate cake with extra rich chocolate frosting covered in shaved chocolate. Rich enough to cause diabetic coma at twenty paces. Of course, I just had to have a piece. It was indeed the proverbial overdoing it. As a result, I still feel stuffed hours later.

Just so you understand, I have been a diabetic for decades. So when a party where there will be an over abundance of food is in my future, I plan ahead both by nature and by necessity. That is why I was out with Molly the wonder dog early this afternoon and put in 7-8 miles walking before getting ready for the party. The extra 3-4 miles meant I could eat later at the party without being overly watchful of what I was eating. Besides, it made Molly happy to stay at home and catch a nap. But even all that preparation will do nothing for that overstuffed feeling.

It was so nice to visit and banter with the acquaintances and  friends at the party. With L and I living so far apart during the week, our joint social life has gone down the tubes. On the weekends when we see each other, we are generally tied up with family and each other to the exclusion of our friends and acquaintances.  Add to that the fact that we are at the age where most of us (L, I, friends, and acquaintances) have already lost our fathers and have mothers that are struggling with various medical issues, and it can be even more daunting to get the crew together. One of our friends at the party could only drop in for a bit since her mother was hospitalized last night and she needed some sleep and to go see her mother again. It all conspires to mean that it can require the phases of the moon and the stars to align just right for us all to be able to get together.

One of the things I enjoyed most at the party was looking across the room and into the the other room and seeing L and some others talking and laughing. It was too far away to have any clue of what they were talking or laughing about, but just the sight of L with her head thrown back laughing is one of my favorite things to see in all the world. It reminds me of the really neat young girl I first met way back when in biology class . Really makes me wish I could make her laugh all the time. And to see her talking with such evident animation and enjoying herself warms my heart. (Can you tell that I really love my wife?)

Time to get some other things done. How was your super Sunday?